Thursday, February 3, 2011

Good News! Bad News!

By Ethan, Julia, Calista, and William

Good news!  I got a trampoline
Bad news!  I jumped off and hit a rock.

Good news!  I didn’t get hurt.
Bad news!  A dog bit me.

Good news!  I didn’t have to go to the hospital.
Bad news!  My leg was bleeding.

Good news!  I put a Band-Aid on it and it stopped bleeding.
Bad news!  My Band-Aid fell off in the shower.

Good news!  I had a 100 more.
Bad news!  All the rest are princess ones.

Good news!  There was a girl walking around selling Band-Aids.
Bad news!  She was only selling Princess Band-Aids.

Good news!  She had one boy Band-Aid in her back pocket!

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